Histology and Imaging Core (HIC)

Histopathology Work Order

Have you consulted with us regarding how to fix your tissue?

We want your study to succeed! Poor fixation is where the majority of histology problems derive from. Even if you are familiar with fixation, please contact us or refer to our Histology Guidelines to ensure you are using the best techniques for your particular tissue. 

DRC Investigators

who are submitting a project to the Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core (CMIC) for the first time, please contact Jenny Kanter or Charles Frevert to discuss your research goals and to get the appropriate budget number to use when submitting your form. 

CFTRC Investigators

who are submitting a project to the Host Response Core for the first time, please contact Charles Frevert to discuss your research goals and to get the appropriate budget number to use when submitting your form. 

Fee Schedule is available Here. Cost estimates available upon request.

In order to maintain a reasonable turnaround time on histology preparations, we may utilize a local contract histology laboratory with whom we have a longstanding partnership.

***IHC/Cryosectioning and Luminex Reading is currently unavailable. Please check back in Fall of 2024 for this service.

Histopathology Work Order Form